Practice Play Hanky Panky Pack (3)


Short and Sweet:

Aricama is composed of eight cities and a center hub for communal spiritual theater. Here, they are expressed as different flower faces. Each land represents one chakra/body parts on the body. In my work, I imagine these different lands as an ancestor/galactic neighbor who is assisting me to bring this Aricama world to our reality.

Long and Strong:

Within Maria’s theater/puppet work, Maria has become a heart’s ambassador as she is obsessed to give it freedom of speech. Heart puppets or face holes where the puppeteer’s face is heart center to a taller puppet are consistent explorations. Contrary, in Maria’s hypnotherapy sessions, the number one thing blocked is this inner voice of the client. This is her biggest concern: the learned habit to deny one’s joy for the false security of the external world. Maria intends the imagery on these clothes will bring awareness to one’s truest passions and muster the courage act not from the head, but from the heart.

Thank you for your attention and may you practice to play today!

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  • Sold as 3-piece set

  • Wicking capabilities

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